`Spanish Olive Oil Exploring Other Worlds - Olive Oil Times

Spanish Olive Oil Exploring Other Worlds

By Olivarama
Oct. 8, 2013 12:45 UTC


It already speaks Chinese. Brazilian too. Our prized extra virĀ­gin olive oil has become an examĀ­ple of mulĀ­tiĀ­linĀ­gual prowess. And only because its benĀ­eĀ­fits are recĀ­ogĀ­nized by those inhabĀ­iĀ­tants from other counĀ­tries who, rather than dressĀ­ing their salĀ­ads or pairĀ­ing it with their recipes, are interĀ­ested in stayĀ­ing healthy.

Oriental and Brazilian palates just love this gasĀ­troĀ­nomic gem and do not hesĀ­iĀ­tate to link its oriĀ­gins to our counĀ­try. At least this is the perĀ­cepĀ­tion OLIVARAMA got after visĀ­itĀ­ing the China International Olive Oil Exhibition 2013, in Guangzhou, and SIAL, in Brazil.

Spanish olive oil is curĀ­rently sold in over 140 counĀ­tries from all five conĀ­tiĀ­nents. Its world-wide renown is on the increase and, in recent years, in emergĀ­ing marĀ­kets such as China and Brazil it has become far stronger. This is conĀ­firmed by varĀ­iĀ­ous studĀ­ies conĀ­ducted by national bodĀ­ies such as the Spanish International Chamber of Commerce (ICEX) or the Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva EspaƱol, which show that this foodĀ­stuff is highly acclaimed by conĀ­sumers in both counĀ­tries, mainly, due to its qualĀ­ity.

This sitĀ­uĀ­aĀ­tion arises from an obsesĀ­sion with health that charĀ­acĀ­terĀ­izes both the Chinese and the Brazilian peoĀ­ple, who priĀ­orĀ­iĀ­tize the mulĀ­tiĀ­ple benĀ­eĀ­fits it offers the body when acquirĀ­ing this prodĀ­uct.

According to the Chinese Customs Authorities, up until June the Asian counĀ­try had bought 10,302 tonnes of Spanish oils, repĀ­reĀ­sentĀ­ing a growth of 27.50 perĀ­cent comĀ­pared to the same period the preĀ­viĀ­ous year, in 2012. For its part, Brazilian imports also grew by 18.84 perĀ­cent, to 8,735 tonnes.

Clearly, Made in Spain is triĀ­umphĀ­ing beyond our borĀ­ders. Sales of our oil are more than just extraĀ­orĀ­diĀ­nary. Spain is posiĀ­tioned among the main providers of liqĀ­uid gold in the world and yet, this is still a great unknown among the majorĀ­ity of the counĀ­tryā€™s inhabĀ­iĀ­tants.

This is why Olivarama, in its tour of varĀ­iĀ­ous cities all over the world, made a stop in these counĀ­tries this year in order to spread the word about the jewel of our gasĀ­tronĀ­omy. Last June, we visĀ­ited the China International Olive Oil Exhibition 2013, held in Guangzhou. At the end of the same month, we attended SIAL Brazil, in Sao Paulo.

More knowlĀ­edge, more conĀ­sumpĀ­tion

The International Olive Council (IOC) foreĀ­sees that in the 2012/13 camĀ­paign, olive oil conĀ­sumpĀ­tion may increase to around 10,000 tonnes in China (twenĀ­tiĀ­eth in the world rankĀ­ing of olive oil conĀ­sumpĀ­tion and sevĀ­enth biggest olive oil importer in terms of volĀ­ume); and 70,000 tonnes in Brazil (our secĀ­ond biggest client on the American conĀ­tiĀ­nent and ninth world buyer of national oils).

Possibly the most effecĀ­tive tool for driĀ­ving these figĀ­ures is proĀ­moĀ­tion. Promotional camĀ­paigns aimed at the end conĀ­sumer that underĀ­line the verĀ­saĀ­tilĀ­ity of this ingreĀ­diĀ­ent in the kitchen, itā€™s culĀ­tural roots, its link to tourism and, it goes withĀ­out sayĀ­ing, its organolepĀ­tic propĀ­erĀ­ties which ultiĀ­mately increase the numĀ­ber of fans to unsusĀ­pected heights.

This is someĀ­thing Olivarama knows all about, as wherĀ­ever it goes it praises the Spanish harĀ­vests, or rather the extra virĀ­gins which are so lovĀ­ingly proĀ­duced by the national proĀ­ducĀ­ers. And we did so in both of the aforeĀ­menĀ­tioned sceĀ­narĀ­ios.

Of enorĀ­mous interĀ­naĀ­tional repute, both the Guangzhou event and that in Sao Paula project a very posĀ­iĀ­tive image of the future evoĀ­luĀ­tion of Mediterranean diet icon in their respecĀ­tive marĀ­kets. This is preĀ­cisely why Olivarama decided to get more deeply involved in both fairs with a view to fosĀ­terĀ­ing interĀ­est in our national juices among proĀ­fesĀ­sionĀ­als and end conĀ­sumers.

Two desĀ­tiĀ­naĀ­tions, one senĀ­soĀ­rĀ­ial pleaĀ­sure

In China, midĀ­dle-class inhabĀ­iĀ­tants do not regĀ­uĀ­larly use olive oil, except in speĀ­cific cases, although they perĀ­ceive it as a gourmet food, for cosĀ­metic or even medĀ­iĀ­cĀ­iĀ­nal use. In this counĀ­try, Spainā€™s posiĀ­tion as the leadĀ­ing olive oil proĀ­ducer, the sigĀ­nifĀ­iĀ­cant efforts made by comĀ­paĀ­nies and instiĀ­tuĀ­tions of the secĀ­tor to proĀ­mote the prodĀ­uct, and the domĀ­iĀ­nant presĀ­ence of olive oil on shelves have all conĀ­tributed to strengthĀ­enĀ­ing the image of this senĀ­soĀ­rĀ­ial pleaĀ­sure.

According to the ICEX, the Asian giant probĀ­aĀ­bly conĀ­stiĀ­tutes the marĀ­ket with most potenĀ­tial for Spanish olive oil. So is Brazil which, with a popĀ­uĀ­laĀ­tion of 190 milĀ­lion inhabĀ­iĀ­tants and a strong ecoĀ­nomic growth, has become one of the priĀ­orĀ­ity marĀ­kets for Spanish olive oils.


In the Amazonian counĀ­try, the changes regĀ­isĀ­tered in conĀ­sumer tastes in recent years, as well as the increased purĀ­chasĀ­ing power of the popĀ­uĀ­laĀ­tion, have boosted the purĀ­chase of this healthy foodĀ­stuff which has always been present in the Brazilian diet thanks to the Portuguese culĀ­tural influĀ­ence.

Both of these terĀ­riĀ­toĀ­ries clearly repĀ­reĀ­sent imporĀ­tant comĀ­merĀ­cial opporĀ­tuĀ­niĀ­ties for the Spanish oil comĀ­paĀ­nies which, under threat from growĀ­ing national comĀ­peĀ­tiĀ­tion, conĀ­stiĀ­tute ā€‹ā€œvirĀ­ginā€ marĀ­kets yet to be explored. Because we must rememĀ­ber that, for instance in China, in regions as proĀ­lifĀ­erĀ­ate as Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan and Shaanxi they are already culĀ­tiĀ­vatĀ­ing their own olive groves.


The incipĀ­iĀ­ent demand is mainly the result of an increased stanĀ­dard of livĀ­ing among its citĀ­iĀ­zens, who preĀ­fer to acquire healthĀ­ier foodĀ­stuffs as opposed to othĀ­ers that are more health harmĀ­ful.

Although it is true that vegĀ­etable oils conĀ­sumpĀ­tion is still sigĀ­nifĀ­iĀ­cant, more and more conĀ­sumers are introĀ­ducĀ­ing olive oil into their daily diet.

Their shopĀ­ping is limĀ­ited to large cities with a medium-high level of purĀ­chasĀ­ing power and exquisĀ­ite tastes, together with food habits with westĀ­ern influĀ­ences.

In spite of the fact that its culiĀ­nary uses are betĀ­ter underĀ­stood, it is still largely unknown. In homes, this prodĀ­uct is not used for direct conĀ­sumpĀ­tion (salĀ­ads), but rather it is perĀ­ceived as a necĀ­esĀ­sary ingreĀ­diĀ­ent for fryĀ­ing. The inhabĀ­iĀ­tants of Beijing, Canton and Shanghai are the ones who preĀ­fer to seaĀ­son their dishes with it.

The majorĀ­ity of sales are regĀ­isĀ­tered in superĀ­marĀ­ket chanĀ­nels. It is also sold in the HORECA chanĀ­nel or gourmet shops.


The deciĀ­sive facĀ­tor in Brazilian conĀ­sumpĀ­tion habits is the high price and lack of knowlĀ­edge about its culiĀ­nary uses, as the majorĀ­ity only use it to dress salĀ­ads, whereas very few use it to cook or fry, for examĀ­ple.

They buy mild oils, that tend to be sweeter, and preĀ­fer a greenĀ­ish color as they assoĀ­ciate it with qualĀ­ity.

The olive, virĀ­gin and extra virĀ­gin catĀ­eĀ­gories are usuĀ­ally bought. Use is limĀ­ited, above all, to the Easter and Christmas periĀ­ods to make typĀ­iĀ­cal cod dishes.

The midĀ­dle class conĀ­sumes most liters, specifĀ­iĀ­cally, athĀ­letes and those conĀ­cerned about their health as they assoĀ­ciate it with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Geographically speakĀ­ing, conĀ­sumpĀ­tion is mainly conĀ­cenĀ­trated in the southĀ­east of the counĀ­try, with the main cenĀ­ters being in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Source: ICEX

This artiĀ­cle first appeared in Olivarama magĀ­aĀ­zine, and has not been edited by Olive Oil Times.

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