`38 U.S. Brands Make List of Best Olive Oils - Olive Oil Times


38 U.S. Brands Make List of Best Olive Oils

By Olive Oil Times Staff
May. 4, 2015 12:56 UTC

In a harĀ­vest year domĀ­iĀ­nated by a punĀ­ishĀ­ing drought, American olive oil proĀ­ducĀ­ers still manĀ­aged to churn out some of the worldā€™s best olive oils, winĀ­ning 38 awards at the New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC).

The winĀ­ners were unveiled at a teleĀ­vised press conĀ­ferĀ­ence on April 15, and the comĀ­plete list of winĀ­ners is preĀ­sented on the offiĀ­cial results webĀ­site, bestoliveoils.org.
See Also:The Best American Olive Oils, Official NYIOOC Ranking
The New York International Olive Oil Competition is the worldā€™s largest and most presĀ­tiĀ­gious olive oil comĀ­peĀ­tiĀ­tion. Nearly 700 entries from 26 counĀ­tries were judged by an interĀ­naĀ­tional panel of experts. The winĀ­ning olive oils are covĀ­eted by chefs, food buyĀ­ers and disĀ­cernĀ­ing conĀ­sumers who value extra virĀ­gin olive oils of the very highĀ­est qualĀ­ity.

Apollo Olive Oil won the Best in Class Award for its Mistral robust blend, as well as a Gold Award for its Sierra blend.

Boundary Bend Olives won two Gold and two Silver Awards for its Cobram Estate brand olive oils proĀ­duced in California.

Moonshadow Grove won three Gold Awards for Manzanillo, Mission and Miscela monoĀ­vaĀ­riĀ­etals.

Perennial NYIOOC winĀ­ner The Olive Press took home three awards.

Lucero, Olive Leaf Hills, Chacewater Olive Mil, Pacific Sun and Pasolivo each won two awards.

Other winĀ­ners include the Il Fiorello Olive Oil Company, Bava Family Grove, Berkeley Olive Grove 1913, Bozzano Olive Ranch, California Olive Ranch, Calivirgin, First Fresh, Frantoio Grove, Grumpy Goats Farm, Jovia Groves, Longevity, Madrona Tree, Round Pond Estate, Split Rock Springs Ranch, Dry Creek Olive Company and Winterhill Olive Oil.

Every winĀ­ning American brand was proĀ­duced in California.

The 2016 NYIOOC will be held April 11ā€‰ā€“ā€‰13, 2016.


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