`Sonar Seen As a New Method for Detecting Fraudulent Olive Oil - Olive Oil Times

Sonar Seen As a New Method for Detecting Fraudulent Olive Oil

By Evie Borthwick
Jul. 11, 2019 09:09 UTC

Once a tech­nique that used sound prop­a­ga­tion for nav­i­ga­tion or iden­ti­fy­ing sub­marines below the sur­face, sonar can now pen­e­trate olive oil to reveal mali­cious adul­ter­ation. LISP (laser-induced ping­ing) is a process where a fiber optic cable deliv­ers a YAG” laser-light flash into a sam­ple. Researchers then see how much light gets absorbed.

Scientists at the University of Missouri, in their new study high­lighted the ben­e­fits of this method: Overall, LISP offers a sim­ple, inex­pen­sive, easy-to-use method for mea­sur­ing the speed of sound in arbi­trary or unknown flu­ids and solu­tions, fos­ter­ing devel­op­ment of rapid and reli­able ana­lyt­i­cal approaches to screen for food adul­ter­ation (e.g., fraud­u­lent olive oils) or inten­tional prod­uct con­t­a­m­i­na­tion.”

While the bulk of their research focused on the purity of salt water, milk, and ionic liq­uids, the com­mer­cial use of the tech­nique for con­sum­able oil ver­i­fi­ca­tion is the next obvi­ous step in their research.


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