What is Makaria Terra?

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Makaria Terra is a mono­va­ri­etal extra vir­gin olive oil made in Greece, from the Koroneiki cul­ti­var of olives, that won a Gold Award at the 2020 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition.

The brand is pro­duced by Makaria Terra.

The NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition, held each spring in New York, is the world’s largest and most pres­ti­gious olive oil con­test and its annual list­ing of award win­ners is con­sid­ered the author­i­ta­tive guide to the year’s best extra vir­gin olive oils.

Makaria Terra and other award-win­ning extra vir­gin olive oils can be found on the Official Guide to the World’s Best Olive Oils.
