5th Edition of 'Extrascape' Celebrates Olive Landscapes

The fifth edition of the event wound up in Molise after two days of conferences, debates and round tables with producers, agronomists, national and international olive oil experts and enthusiasts.

The farm of Frantoio Franci
By Ylenia Granitto
Jun. 16, 2016 07:20 UTC
The farm of Frantoio Franci

The fifth edi­tion of the Extrascape, the inter­na­tional com­pe­ti­tion for the best extra vir­gin olive oil land­scapes, wound up after two days of con­fer­ences, debates and round tables with pro­duc­ers, agron­o­mists, national and inter­na­tional olive oil experts and enthu­si­asts.

Held in the con­vent of Mary and Jesus in San Martino in Pensilis, in the province of Campobasso (Molise), Extrascape is a unique inter­na­tional com­pe­ti­tion that rewards the best extra vir­gin olive oils com­bined with the most beau­ti­ful olive land­scapes. The orga­ni­za­tion is entrusted to the asso­ci­a­tion MolisExtra, that brings together farm­ers from Molise.

Oleificio Silvestri Rosina

Our chal­lenge is to go beyond the label, mak­ing avail­able to those who sell and to those who buy high-qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oil new instru­ments to show and dis­cover the authen­tic­ity of peo­ple, land and there­fore prod­ucts,” said the event orga­niz­ers.

40 com­pa­nies from Italy, Spain, Portugal and Chile par­tic­i­pated in the com­pe­ti­tion, sub­mit­ting pho­to­graphic mate­ri­als of their farms and sur­round­ing ter­ri­to­ries in addi­tion to their extra vir­gin olive oils. The board was com­posed by a panel that assessed EVOOs and a com­mit­tee that eval­u­ated land­scapes, coor­di­nated by rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the Landscape and Environment Design, Management and Planning’ PhD course of the Sapienza University of Rome. The final rank­ing was a result of the com­bi­na­tion of the two judge­ments.

Azienda Agricola Caputo Mar

Extra vir­gin olive oil has inau­gu­rated a new ter­ri­tory, defined by the arti­san code, that is the ref­er­ence iden­tity within which pro­duc­ers will be able to draw their own pro­files, present their val­ues and build their image,” said mar­ket­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tion spe­cial­ist Gigi Mozzi. The next step to trans­form excel­lent prod­ucts into suc­cess­ful ones will be to cross the bridge and, from the side of the man­u­fac­turer get to the side of the con­sumer, pass­ing from promises to val­ues, and from declared qual­ity to per­ceived qual­ity,” Mozzi said dur­ing his talk about the place­ment of qual­ity prod­ucts on the mar­ket.

Among the speak­ers coor­di­nated by Maurizio Pescari was Giorgio Mori who explained extrac­tion tech­niques; Alberto Grimelli and Amedeo De Franceschi dis­cussed the cor­rect label­ing of extra vir­gin olive oil; a les­son on design and man­age­ment of qual­ity olive-grow­ing land­scape was given by Achille Ippolito; and a his­tory of the olive tree was illus­trated by the agron­o­mist Cosimo Damiano Guarini.

2016 Extrascape Awards

Contemporary Landscape

EVOO Light Fruity
Agricole Di Martino (Trani, Apulia)

EVOO Medium Fruity
Finca La Gramanosa (Barcelona, Spain)

EVOO Intense Fruity
Madonna dell’Olivo (Serre, Campania)

Traditional Landscape

Light Fruity Category
Mio padre è un albero (San Severo, Apulia)

Medium Fruity Category
Olivicola degli Ernici (Vico nel Lazio, Latium)

Intense Fruity Category
Frantoio Franci (Montenero d’Orcia, Tuscany)

Organic Light Fruity Category
Azienda Agricola Biologica Monaco (Tortoreto, Abruzzo)

Organic Medium Fruity Category
Oleificio Silvrestri Rosina (Spinetoli, Marche)

Organic Intense Fruity Category
Azienda Agricola Caputo Maria (Molfetta, Apulia)

Best Architecture of New Mill
Finca La Gramanosa (Barcelona, Spain)

Best Architecture of Restored Mill
Frantoio Franci (Montenero d’Orcia, Tuscany)

A spe­cial award to the mem­ory of Francesco Ortuso, for­mer panel leader of the com­pe­ti­tion, has been insti­tuted and will be assigned to one who stands up for the safe­guard­ing of qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oil and its land­scapes.

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