`800 Gallons Of Stolen Olive Oil Recovered By Spanish Authorities - Olive Oil Times

800 Gallons Of Stolen Olive Oil Recovered By Spanish Authorities

By Charlie Higgins
Nov. 10, 2013 10:28 UTC

Spanish author­i­ties have recov­ered nearly 800 gal­lons of stolen olive oil, among other con­tra­band, in the city of Castuera.

The rob­bery was first reported on October 31, when it was dis­cov­ered that an unde­ter­mined num­ber of thieves had bro­ken into an olive oil mil belong­ing to the com­pany Rey Alimentación S.L. Among the miss­ing goods were eight pal­lets (con­tain­ers weigh­ing 1,850 pounds) of extra vir­gin olive oil, four of which were intended for export to the United States.

The stolen mer­chan­dise was val­ued at €16,800 (US$22,747), accord­ing to Manolo Rey, one of the man­agers at the mill. He received a call from author­i­ties shortly after 11 p.m., say­ing that they had appre­hended a stolen van con­tain­ing bot­tles with his company’s name on it.

We went imme­di­ately to the premises of the mill and found that the doors of the stor­age facil­i­ties we use for bot­tled and labeled olive oil had been bro­ken into and that the secu­rity cam­era had been smashed. Then we noticed the miss­ing olive oil and tools. The tanks where we store our fuel had also been bro­ken into,” Rey recalls.

According to La Cronica Badajoz, high­way author­i­ties seized the stolen vehi­cle at a block­ade on autovia A‑5 in Castuera. When the offi­cers requested iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, the occu­pants of the van fled across a nearby field. Upon search­ing the van the offi­cers found numer­ous boxes con­tain­ing bot­tles of olive oil as well as four bot­tles of diesel fuel and two tires.

Though the fugi­tives of the van have not been tracked down, Spanish author­i­ties sus­pect the crime may have been per­pe­trated by mem­bers of a highly orga­nized gang based in Madrid. Officers were almost cer­tain that mul­ti­ple peo­ple had acted in the crime against Rey Alimentacion.

This recent inci­dent marks the sec­ond time in five years that the same olive oil mill has been bro­ken into. Three years ago some 2,600 gal­lons of olive oil and a Mercedes Benz auto­mo­bile were stolen at the site. The own­ers of the com­pany noted that the nature of the crime in both cases was exactly the same.”


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