`Proposed Rules Would Align Morocco with International Standards - Olive Oil Times

Proposed Rules Would Align Morocco with International Standards

By Isabel Putinja
Jan. 12, 2015 14:00 UTC

The Moroccan gov­ern­ment has pro­posed new rules which will define and reg­u­late the qual­ity of com­mer­cial olive oil.

The aim of the new rules is to improve the qual­ity of olive oil pro­duced in Morocco so that the coun­try becomes a more impor­tant com­peti­tor in the inter­na­tional olive oil mar­ket.

The draft law was pub­lished on the government’s web­site.

The pro­posed rules sug­gest new cri­te­ria to be used to eval­u­ate the qual­ity and grade of olive oils. The notes attached to the draft bill say the exist­ing cri­te­ria, dat­ing back to 1997, are not suf­fi­cient for the accu­rate deter­mi­na­tion of olive oil qual­ity for the world mar­ket.
See Also:Olive Oil Quality
The cur­rent pro­ce­dures, which exam­ine the level of acid­ity, per­ox­ide value and ultra­vi­o­let absorp­tion, nev­er­the­less allow olive oils of infe­rior qual­ity that meet the cri­te­ria to pass through the Moroccan mar­ket.

In order to improve the qual­ity of olive oil pro­duced in Morocco, the draft law aims to har­mo­nize the des­ig­na­tions (or grades) and def­i­n­i­tions of olive oil with those of the International Olive Council.

It pro­poses deter­min­ing the physico-chem­i­cal cri­te­ria to be used, the organolep­tic char­ac­ter­is­tics which should be taken into account, and the max­i­mum per­mit­ted lev­els of con­t­a­m­i­nants, in order to bet­ter eval­u­ate qual­ity and allow for an objec­tive grad­ing of olive oils. Also to be out­lined are the con­di­tions to be respected by inspec­tors when tak­ing sam­ples so as to pre­serve their qual­ity.

The pro­posed bill will now go through the leg­isla­tive pro­ce­dure before it is adopted as law.


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