`Spanish Co. Fills Pillows with Recycled Olive Pits - Olive Oil Times

Spanish Co. Fills Pillows with Recycled Olive Pits

By Sarah Schwager
Aug. 28, 2010 18:44 UTC

By Sarah Schwager
Olive Oil Times Contributor | Reporting from Buenos Aires

A Spanish com­pany has taken the old Asian tra­di­tions of using char­coal as a nat­ural absorbent, and of fill­ing pil­lows with seeds or plas­tic spheres, and added a Mediterranean fla­vor to it. Charcolive has launched a range of pil­lows stuffed with car­bonized olive pits recy­cled from olive oil pro­duc­ers.

Charcolive CEO Rafael Pérez told Olive Oil Times the idea came to him on one of his trips to Japan, where he tested var­i­ous types of pil­lows filled with nat­ural prod­ucts such as seeds and lentils. There they use car­bonized plants for many aspects of their daily lives, above all to elim­i­nate odors,” he said, adding they also use pil­lows made of Holm Oak coals but frankly they are uncom­fort­able because the coals have edges. It occurred to me that if the char­coal was round, the pil­lows would be much more com­fort­able.”

And so Mr Pérez came up with the idea of using a car­bonized prod­uct to stuff pil­lows, but one that was round, such as the olive pit, which holds its own health ben­e­fits. The nat­ural par­ti­cles and char­coal help with breath­ing and air cir­cu­la­tion while con­tour­ing to the head and neck as the pits mas­sage and acti­vate more than 40 acupunc­ture points, the prod­uct lit­er­a­ture main­tains.

The four lines of prod­ucts – sleep prod­ucts; odor absorp­tion and fruit and veg­etable pre­serv­ing prod­ucts; chem­i­cal intol­er­ance prod­ucts; and prod­ucts for pets – also recy­cle the vast quan­tity of olive pits dis­carded by the mas­sive Spanish olive oil indus­try.

Each pil­low is filled with nearly two kilo­grams of car­bonized olive pits. They are then cov­ered by two lay­ers of sheep’s wool and cot­ton to cush­ion the stones.

The man­u­fac­turer claims the pil­lows reduce per­spi­ra­tion, gen­er­ate neg­a­tive ions and induce relax­ation. The prod­ucts also come in the form of small breath­able bags said to elim­i­nate odors in shoes, the refrig­er­a­tor, and tobacco smells.

Some 4 mil­lion tons of olive pits are gen­er­ated in Spain each year. Recycled olive
pits, or olive stones, are also used in com­post and bio­fuel.


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