About Olive Oil Times

Editorial Team

Curtis M. Cord
Founder, Editor-in-chief

Kelley Cord

Alex Kovacevic
Creative Director

Daniel Dawson
Senior Editor

Ylenia Granitto
Senior Writer

Paolo DeAndreis
Senior Writer

Costas Vasilopoulos
Senior Writer

Lisa Anderson
Senior Writer

Paul Kostandin
Culinary Writer

Patterson Watkins
Culinary Writer

Eduardo Hernandez

Srdjan Toljagic
Video Production

Editorial Support

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(M-F 0900-1600 CST-5)

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Olive Oil Times is an inde­pen­dent pub­li­ca­tion founded in 2009 by Curtis Cord to pro­vide timely and com­pre­hen­sive news for con­sumers and indus­try pro­fes­sion­als. It is the world’s fore­most source of infor­ma­tion on olive oil.

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Editorial Policy

Olive Oil Times is com­mit­ted to deliv­er­ing the high­est edi­to­r­ial and eth­i­cal stan­dards in report­ing events of inter­est to our read­ers world­wide.

Our edi­to­r­ial deci­sions are influ­enced nei­ther by polit­i­cal or com­mer­cial pres­sures nor by any per­sonal inter­ests.

Olive Oil Times is an Online News Association (ONA) mem­ber. ONA’s mis­sion is to inspire inno­va­tion and excel­lence among jour­nal­ists to serve the pub­lic bet­ter.

Objective Reporting

Olive Oil Times main­tains a strict fire­wall between our edi­to­r­ial, adver­tis­ing and event man­age­ment teams. We thank our adver­tis­ers for their sup­port, but they do not affect our news judg­ment.

This pol­icy ensures unbi­ased and objec­tive report­ing and the fair admin­is­tra­tion of asso­ci­ated activ­i­ties, includ­ing the NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition and the Olive Oil Times Education Lab.

News Tips

If you have a news tip that would inter­est our read­ers world­wide, start a con­ver­sa­tion with our edi­to­r­ial sup­port team. Please do not pro­pose arti­cles about your company’s new prod­ucts, ser­vices, or other pro­mo­tional mate­r­ial.

Write for OOT

If you are an expe­ri­enced news jour­nal­ist, chat with us.

Comment Policy

Olive Oil Times is ded­i­cated to main­tain­ing a respect­ful com­mu­nity that actively engages in lively dis­cus­sions about news arti­cles and com­men­tary.

To pro­vide a safe space for our com­mu­nity, com­ments may be pre-mod­er­ated by our sup­port team before post­ing to the site.


Copyright laws strictly pro­tect all Olive Oil Times arti­cles and site con­tent and may not be repro­duced with­out writ­ten per­mis­sion. Please mes­sage our edi­to­r­ial team if you would like to request per­mis­sion to pub­lish an arti­cle for edu­ca­tional pur­poses.


Please visit our cam­paign launcher or con­tact the adver­tis­ing sup­port team.

Contact OOT

You can reach our sup­port team here.