`Researchers Develop Spreadable Olive Oil - Olive Oil Times

Researchers Develop Spreadable Olive Oil

By Isabel Putinja
May. 29, 2015 09:33 UTC

Scientists from the University of Calabria, Italy have invented a spread­able form of olive oil.

Through a new tech­nol­ogy which uses an inno­v­a­tive crys­tal­liza­tion process called organogela­tion,” a group of Italian researchers were able to change the con­sis­tency of the lipids in olive oil to cre­ate a thicker oil of vary­ing tex­tures which can range from a gel-like sub­stance to a solid form.

Professor Bruno de Cindio, head researcher of the Rheology and Food Science Laboratory at the University of Calabria, explained how it works: In this net­work struc­ture, the oil remains trapped’ within the chang­ing tex­ture and trans­form­ing itself, in the first stage, into a gel form and, in a sec­ond stage, into a creamy spread­able paste.”

Using this new tech­nol­ogy which has now been patented, the sci­en­tists have devel­oped two dif­fer­ent types of spread­able olive oil which will be mar­keted as new prod­ucts. One is called Gel Oil”, which comes in two fla­vors: lemon, and basil and peper­on­cino, for use in sal­ads and as a spread on bread or in sand­wiches.

The other prod­uct is a creamier ver­sion of the gel which is more sim­i­lar to but­ter or mar­garine, called Spread Bio Oil.”

The new spread­able olive oil prod­ucts retain the fla­vor and health ben­e­fits of olive oil and can be used as replace­ments for but­ter, mar­garine or may­on­naise and for use in processed foods and con­fec­tions.

Spreads have long been mar­keted that tout olive oil as an ingre­di­ent, even when it is mixed with other oils, and the amount of olive oil is usu­ally undis­closed.


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