cardiovascular disease / page 7

Aug. 30, 2016

Mediterranean Diet Lowers Death Risk for Heart Patients

New research indicates that the Mediterranean Diet reduces the mortality risk for heart disease patients more than taking statin medications.

Aug. 29, 2016

Cardiologist Promotes High-Fat Diet with Olive Oil for Heart Patients

Sugar and excess carbohydrates are the number one enemy of heart disease, not fat.

Aug. 25, 2016

EVOO Polyphenols May Provide Protection Against Platelet Aggregation in Cardiovascular Disease

Polyphenols in EVOO inhibit the platelet aggregation that can lead to abnormal clotting and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

May. 4, 2016

Nutritional Genomics and the Role of the Mediterranean Diet in Cardiovascular Disease

Early research in nutritional genomics shows the Mediterranean diet and consumption of olive oil fosters positive molecular changes in the body.

Apr. 4, 2016

Thyme-Enriched EVOO Prevents DNA Damage

Extra virgin olive oil enriched with its own phenolic compounds and the phenolic compounds of thyme prevent DNA damage.

Feb. 19, 2016

Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Benefits of Olive Oil

Phenolic compounds in extra virgin olive oil exert powerful natural anti-inflammatory benefits for various health conditions.

Feb. 16, 2016

Exclusive Olive Oil Consumption Protects Against Coronary Artery Disease

Studies show some promising results for a protective effect against coronary artery disease with exclusive olive oil consumption.

Dec. 29, 2015

EVOO Effective in Lowering High Blood Pressure

Two tablespoons of phenol-rich EVOO can be effective in lowering blood pressure, according to a University of California at Davis Olive Center review.

Sep. 30, 2015

Unsaturated Fats and Whole Grain Carbohydrates Associated with Lower CHD Risk

Replacing saturated fats and refined carbohydrates with unsaturated fats such as olive oil and whole grain carbohydrates may help lower risk of heart disease.

Jul. 20, 2015

Olive Oil Polyphenols Reduce Bad Cholesterol and Plaque Formation

A new study reveals polyphenols in olive oil can reduce cardiovascular risks by decreasing bad cholesterol levels and atherogenicity.


Mar. 31, 2015

Olive Oil Improves Blood Lipid Profile, Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

Olive oil phenols can prevent chronic diseases but they diminish over time, a new report from the University of California at Davis has found.

Feb. 18, 2015

Study Shows Canola Oil Cannot Replace Olive Oil in a Mediterranean-Style Diet

Researchers concluded canola oil cannot be recommended as a suitable substitute for extra virgin olive oil in a Mediterranean-style diet.

Oct. 30, 2014

Corn Oil Lowers Cholesterol: We Can All Go Home

Mazola corn oil reduces cholesterol. Time to pack it all up and finally take up golf like I've wanted to do.

Oct. 14, 2014

Mediterranean Diet Can Reverse Metabolic Syndrome

A new study finds that following a Mediterranean diet can reverse metabolic syndrome, which afflicts up to 25 percent of adults.

Sep. 30, 2014

Olive Oil Seen as a Treatment for Heart Failure

Researchers from University of Illinois at Chicago have found that a certain fat found in olive oil may be beneficial in individuals with heart failure.

Jun. 9, 2014

Soil May Have Most Impact on Certain Olive Oil Phytosterol Levels

A new study shows that soil quality may impact steryl glucoside levels in olive oils more than olive cultivar or farming methods.

May. 19, 2014

The Right Olive Oil 'Dosage' for Those at High Risk of Cardio Diseases

A Spanish researcher provided new information on the amount and benefits of olive oil consumption for people with a high risk of cardiovascular disease.

Apr. 15, 2014

Mediterranean Diet Linked to Less Inflammation

Researchers have found that adherence to a Mediterranean diet is associated with lower levels of inflammation markers.
