millennial trees / page 3

Dec. 19, 2016

Billion-Dollar Pipeline Threatens Olive Grove in Southern Italy

Local and national authorities are going head to head over an olive grove standing in the way of a 545-mile pipeline project.

Nov. 29, 2016

Immortalizing Ancient Olive Trees Through Images

Adoni Dimakos follows the Laconian paths the Medieval geographer Pausanias walked in the 2nd century to capture endangered olive oil trees in images and 'sensitize' local farming populations about their eradication.

Aug. 1, 2016

Greek Olive Branch Sent to Rio to Symbolize Peace in Olympics Opening Ceremony

Branches from the Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves have been used in ceremonies at each summer Olympics since the Athens Games in 2004. The wreath cutting ceremony was accompanied by an ancient dance ritual.

Oct. 30, 2012

Gethsemane Olive Trees Among World's Oldest

A three-year study on the trees in Jerusalem's famous garden, has shown that their trunks and branches are around 900 years old.

Jun. 10, 2012

Epic Olive Trees

The olive tree is perhaps the perfect tree - hardy, beautiful and useful. It is due to these traits that some of the world’s oldest living things are olive trees, with specimens today still thriving after millennia.
