cardiovascular disease

Apr. 9, 2024

Processed Foods Associated with Negative Health Outcomes, Study Finds

Consumption of ultra-processed foods was associated with a greater risk of more than 30 negative health outcomes.

Feb. 1, 2024

Olive Oil Metabolites Linked with Improved Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes

The research demonstrated a link between virgin olive oil metabolite profiles and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, but not diabetes.

Aug. 31, 2023

The Importance of Choosing Healthy Snacks for Your Overall Health

Choosing healthy snacks can be beneficial for overall health, even if you snack frequently.

Jun. 8, 2023

Med Diet Benefits Similar to Walking 4,000 Steps, Study Finds

Researchers at a Boston hospital found that following the Mediterranean diet had a similar health benefit to walking 4,000 steps each day.

Apr. 24, 2023

Americans Find Cost of Food Biggest Barrier to a Healthy Diet, Survey Finds

Just fifteen percent of Americans are familiar with the Mediterranean diet’s health benefits, a Cleveland Clinic survey finds.

Feb. 8, 2023

World Health Org. Set to Miss Deadline to Eliminate Trans Fats

Five years ago, the United Nations organization said all trans fats should be banned by 2023, but now acknowledge this will not happen.

Aug. 23, 2021

Study Suggests New Approach to Promoting a Heart-Healthy Diet

Researchers conducted a meta-analysis of dozens of studies to determine the relationship between specific foods and heart disease.

Jun. 8, 2021

Study: Eating Some Lean Red Meat With MedDiet May Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Eating moderate amounts of lean beef alongside the Mediterranean diet may decrease the risk of developing heart disease, a study says.

May. 28, 2021

Olive Oil One Factor in Extraordinary Longevity of Some Sardinian Residents

A new study shows that the consumption of olive oil played a role in maintaining cardiovascular health and mobility in elderly Sardinians.

May. 21, 2021

Study: EVOO-Rich Diet Improved Weight and Insulin Sensitivity in Mice with Liver Disease

The research also demonstrated that extra virgin olive oil did not reduce the damage inflicted by high-fat diets on mice with fatty liver disease.

Apr. 5, 2021

Europe Limits Use of Trans Fats in Foods

The move is widely seen as a positive step toward eliminating all trans fats by 2023.

Mar. 11, 2021

High-Polyphenol EVOO May Lower Risk of Vascular Diseases Associated with Diabetes

While the results of the study confirm previous findings, the message from researchers is new: The type of olive oil used in cardiovascular health studies is an important variable.

Jan. 12, 2021

Switching to the Mediterranean Diet Can Reduce the Risk of Having a Second Heart Attack

Researchers demonstrated that adopting the Mediterranean diet after suffering a heart attack could reduce the possibility of another and help lessen the damage brought on by cardiovascular disease.


Apr. 8, 2019

Adding Dairy Products To Med Diet Reduces Cardiovascular Risk

The study also found that adding several servings of low-fat dairy to the MedDiet provides increased nutritional benefits.

Mar. 7, 2019

Not All Saturated Fats Are the Same for Cardiovascular Health

After examining the association between saturated fat sources and cardiovascular health, researchers recommend higher consumption of staple foods of the Mediterranean diet such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Jan. 10, 2019

New Study Delves Into Mechanisms Behind MedDiet's Health Benefits

Researchers found that following the Mediterranean diet may reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 25 percent. They also got some clues as to why this may be the case.

Dec. 11, 2018

Mediterranean Diet Plus Regular Exercise Maintains Weight Loss

A new study shows the formula tor long-term weight loss and heart health is to eat the nutritious Mediterranean diet and engage in regular workouts.

Nov. 26, 2018

FDA Allows Cardiovascular Health on Olive Oil Labels

A new 'qualified health claim' allows bottlers to say that their product improves heart health if consumed instead of animal-based fats.

Sep. 25, 2018

How the Combination of Olive Oil and Sleep Can Prevent Cardiovascular Events

Canadian scientists discovered olive oil helps protect against the platelet aggregation that leads to heart attacks and strokes.

Sep. 21, 2018

Fish Oil No Better Than Olive Oil for Reducing Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetics

Omega-3 fish oil supplements failed to prevent first-time heart attacks or strokes in diabetics compared to a control group that took olive oil capsules.

Sep. 4, 2018

New Studies Link Heart Health With Reduced Likelihood of Developing Dementia

Older adults who take care of their heart are less likely to develop dementia than people who neglect their cardiovascular health.
