Mediterranean diet / page 2

Mar. 20, 2023

Health Researcher: Focus on Healthier Diets Instead of ‘Demonizing’ Certain Foods

Decades of demonizing specific foods and macronutrients have not tangibly reduced obesity and cardiovascular disease. One researcher argues for a different approach.

Mar. 14, 2023

Mediterranean Diet and Exercise Improve Working Memory in Young Students

Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and physical activity was linked with enhanced working memory in school-age children in a recent study.

Feb. 10, 2023

New Research Links Olive Oil Consumption and Reduced Autoimmune Occurrence

Researchers found that olive oil consumption promotes healthy gut microbiota and hinders the development of gut pathogens that impair immune function.

Oct. 31, 2022

New Research Finds No Link Between Diet and Reduced Dementia Risk

The study found no link between adherence to a modified Mediterranean diet and lower dementia incidence. Still, researchers indicated that diet likely remains one factor among many.

Oct. 24, 2022

Researchers Review Benefits of Mediterranean Diet to Reduce Obesity

After an extensive review of the scientific literature, researchers found that following the Mediterranean diet yields many benefits for obese people and those at risk of obesity.

Oct. 24, 2022

Following MedDiet Fortified With Polyphenols Reduces Visceral Adiposity

An 18-month trial showed a polyphenol-rich Med Diet might exceed the benefits of a traditional MedDiet against visceral adipose tissue accumulation.

Oct. 12, 2022

Study: Med Diet Adherence Linked with Lower Intestinal Inflammation

Researchers theorized that fiber-rich foods associated with the MedDiet created an ecological advantage for certain microbes to flourish and contributed to lower levels of inflammation.

Sep. 29, 2022

Following MedDiet Linked to Healthier Brain Activity

Researchers found lower levels of six metabolites known to lower cognitive function in study participants following the Mediterranean diet.

Sep. 22, 2022

Spanish Ministers Highlight Importance of Researching Health Benefits of Olive Oil

The ministers of agriculture and science pledged more funds to research and announced ambitions for Spain to become a leading global food science hub.

May. 13, 2022

Following the MedDiet Improves Depression Symptoms in Young Men

Researchers said the results demonstrate the role of a healthy diet in the treatment of depression in young adults.


May. 9, 2022

Childhood Obesity on the Rise in Spain as Adherence to Med Diet Falls

A report by Save the Children highlights Spain's childhood obesity crisis and the rapid decline of the Mediterranean diet. The charity calls for urgent government action.

May. 4, 2022

New Law in Sicily Protects and Promotes the Mediterranean Diet

The purpose of the new law is to promote local food production, MedDiet education, wine and oleotourism, public health and environmental protection strategies.

Mar. 16, 2022

Greeks Follow a Hybrid Mediterranean Diet, Researchers Find

Greeks mostly adhere to the diet's standards with the addition of red meat and snacks.

Feb. 28, 2022

Med Diet Linked with Better Sleep in University Students

Students with higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet reported less sleep latency, sleep disturbance and daytime dysfunction.

Feb. 21, 2022

Italian Politicians Condemn Nutri-Score As Antithetical to MedDiet

Italy's foreign minister sought to promote the European adoption of Nutrinform Battery at a series of events. Nutri-Score’s founder responds that the criticism is misguided.

Feb. 10, 2022

Mediterranean Diet Might Mitigate ADHD in Children, Study Suggests

Researchers believe the combination of healthy fats characteristic of the Mediterranean diet improves brain health and lowers the risk of developing ADHD.

Jan. 17, 2022

Study: Green MedDiet Can Slow Brain Atrophy Among Over-50s

New research finds that following a high-polyphenol, low meat intake variation of the MedDiet can protect the brain from inflammation and slow down age-related brain atrophy.

Jan. 7, 2022

Mediterranean Diet Again Named Best Overall

The MedDiet has been declared the best diet for the fifth year in a row by the U.S. News & World Report.
