`Italian Crudités (Cazzimperio) with Olive Oil Dip - Olive Oil Times

Italian Crudités (Cazzimperio) with Olive Oil Dip

A simple display of fresh raw vegetables served with the perfect accompaniment, extra virgin olive oil. Simple ingredients working together to highlight one another’s natural flavors. A little coarse sea salt and some cracked black pepper are added, just as a little enhancer.
Italian Crudités (Cazzimperio) with Olive Oil Dip
Italian Crudités (Cazzimperio) with Olive Oil Dip
By Patterson Watkins
Sep. 14, 2020 09:38 UTC

Cazzimperio (aka Pinzimonio) were typ­i­cally served in the fall, after the olive har­vest and meant to high­light the first fresh press­ing of the year. This dish has been served for cen­turies, with records dat­ing back to the Renaissance, with lit­tle mod­i­fi­ca­tion through­out the years. Fresh raw veg­eta­bles are trimmed or shaved and served along­side a robust Tuscan extra vir­gin olive oil.


Italian Crudités (Cazzimperio) with Olive Oil Dip

Course: AppetizersCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Forgoing the tra­di­tional creamy dip, typ­i­cally reserved for cru­dités, might be a lit­tle jar­ring to some at first. But once the true fla­vors of these vibrant veg­gies are ampli­fied by the olive oil, there’s no turn­ing back. Feel free to mod­ify the sug­gested veg­gies based on your tastes (or back­yard gar­den haul).


  • 1bunchradish, halved or quar­tered 

  • 2 – 3headsgem let­tuces, sep­a­rated into leaves

  • 3eachcar­rots, peeled and quar­tered

  • 3eachcel­ery stalks, quar­tered

  • 1bunchscal­lions, trimmed

  • 1eachbeef­steak tomato, cut into wedges

  • 1eachcucum­ber, sliced

  • fresh pars­ley for gar­nish

  • 1/2cupmedium to robust extra vir­gin olive oil

  • cracked black pep­per

  • coarse sea salt


  • Prep veg­eta­bles and arrange them on a large plat­ter. Garnish with a cou­ple sprigs of pars­ley.
  • Pour olive oil into a small bowl (for dip­ping) and sea­son with a lit­tle pep­per and sea salt. Serve cru­dités with addi­tional salt for fur­ther sea­son­ing. 

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