olive oil research / page 19

Oct. 27, 2021

Study: Agricultural Intensification Hurts Olive Grove Productivity

Researchers in Andalusia found that agricultural intensification hurt olive groves by eliminating the natural predators of pests and depleting soil quality.

Oct. 6, 2021

Study: Nutri-Score Label System Does Not Discourage Olive Oil Consumption

Researchers found that the Nutri-Score label allowed consumers to correctly identify olive oil as the healthiest option among eight vegetable oils.

Oct. 4, 2021

Following a Mediterranean Diet May Reverse Cognitive Decline in Elderly

New research shows that adhering to a Mediterranean diet can help restore memory functions and reverse cognitive impairment due to aging.

Sep. 1, 2021

Oleocanthal-Based Treatment Shows Promise Against Aggressive Type of Breast Cancer

A study from the University of Louisiana-Monroe showed that an oleocanthal-xylitol formulation suppressed the initiation and progression of breast cancer in mice.

Aug. 26, 2021

Certain Food Proteins Reduce Bitterness and Pungency of EVOO

The findings could pave the way to increase the appeal of extra virgin olive oil for consumers turned off by bitter and pungent flavors.

Aug. 24, 2021

Olive Center’s New Director Begins Planning for The Future of California Olive Oil

Javier Fernandez-Salvador has plenty of plans for his new job including optimizing olive growing and harvesting for California’s changing climate.

Aug. 23, 2021

Study Suggests New Approach to Promoting a Heart-Healthy Diet

Researchers conducted a meta-analysis of dozens of studies to determine the relationship between specific foods and heart disease.

Aug. 23, 2021

Researchers Find Ways to Reduce Acrylamide in Table Olives

The concentration of the compound, which is carcinogenic, can be impacted by the maturation stage, length of storage period and type of washing treatment.

Aug. 19, 2021

Researchers Work to Identify Olive Varieties Best Adapted to Higher Temperatures

With average temperatures estimated to rise 7 ºC by 2100, researchers want to know which varieties will thrive in the Mediterranean’s future climate.

Aug. 17, 2021

Spanish Baker Launches Olive Oil-Based Pastry Range

Europastry and Verdeo said they had developed a way to make olive oil solid in the baking process, creating a healthier and more sustainable pastry.


Aug. 13, 2021

Study: Asphalt Made with Olive Pomace More Resilient to Weathering

Adding olive pomace to asphalt binder made the resulting paving material more resistant to cracking and is an environmentally friendly way to recycle the waste product.

Aug. 11, 2021

MedDiet Linked With Prevention or Delay of Degenerative Eye Disease

A new study found that following a diet rich in antioxidants helped to prevent or delay the onset of age-related macular degeneration.

Aug. 9, 2021

Rapid Test Developed to Check the Quality and Authenticity of Olive Oil

Using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, researchers were able to identify the individual compounds in olive oil samples and determine their provenance.

Aug. 4, 2021

Plant-Derived Treatment Against Asian Bug Shows Promise for Olive Growers

A blend of 11 odorant compounds produced naturally by sunflowers was found to attract female brown marmorated stink bugs. The concoction could be used in traps.

Aug. 2, 2021

Researchers Seek Better Understanding of Olive Drupe Development

By studying the molecular and physiological profiles of the drupes during the stages of development, researchers hope to optimize olive oil and table olive production.

Jul. 23, 2021

European Project Studies Olive Genetics to Prepare Growers for The Future

Researchers at the Gen4Olive project believe the genetic material of unused olive varieties could help prepare farmers for new climatic conditions and pests.

Jul. 20, 2021

Plans for Olive Oil Research Institute in Jaén Come One Step Closer to Fruition

The new institute at the University of Jaén will push innovation in olive growing and olive oil production and promote research efforts.

Jun. 30, 2021

Spanish Researchers Begin Trialing Olive-Derived Treatment for Long Covid

A supplement made from polyphenols from olives and flavonoids from oranges will be given to patients to try and alleviate the symptoms associated with long Covid.
