Where to Buy 100 of the World's Best Olive Oils

More than one hundred of this year's award-winning olive oils are a click away on the Best Olive Oils Marketplace.

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Jun. 10, 2017 10:34 UTC

Every April since 2013, the world’s largest and most pres­ti­gious olive oil com­pe­ti­tion has been held in New York, and the results of the NYIOOC are widely con­sid­ered to be the most trusted guide to the best olive oils of the year.

Actually lay­ing your hands on a win­ning bot­tle, how­ever, was like find­ing a nee­dle in a haystack. Many of the top-rated brands are not found on super­mar­ket shelves or even spe­cialty shops.
See Also:The Best Olive Oils Marketplace
That’s why last year, the NYIOOC devel­oped an online por­tal where pro­duc­ers and dis­trib­u­tors of the win­ning brands could con­nect with peo­ple and busi­nesses who seek this year’s cream of the crop.

Now, more than one hun­dred of the 2017 NYIOOC award-win­ning olive oils are a click away on the Best Olive Oils Marketplace — directly from the pro­duc­ers and mer­chants who stock them.

The Marketplace takes the guess­work out of find­ing a great olive oil, and the huge vari­ety makes it easy to fill your cup­board with fresh, healthy and deli­cious options for every culi­nary appli­ca­tion.

For exam­ple, the Gold Award win­ner Tierra Callada Spanish Picual ($21.95/500ml) is per­fect over grilled chicken, steaks or fresh toma­toes.

Lidrivio, a Gold Award-win­ning Greek blend ($14.95/500ml) would be superb in sal­ads, over pota­toes or on del­i­cate fish.

Viola Colleruita DOP Umbria Colli Assisi Spoleto ($30.95/500ml) is a Gold Award-win­ning robust Italian blend ideal for dress­ing a grilled steak, grilled veg­eta­bles or lamb.

Southeast Texas Olive is a Silver-Award win­ner ($25.00/500ml), a del­i­cate blend per­fect for a cau­li­flower purée, over goat cheese or broiled fish.

Homestead Olive Ranch ($23.99/500ml) is a Gold Award-win­ner Mission mono­va­ri­etal from California that you should driz­zle over eggs, steamed aspara­gus, brown rice and beans.

Some pro­duc­ers and ven­dors offer bun­dles” on the por­tal which help reduce ship­ping costs.

Retailers, restau­ra­teurs, and chefs can even buy in bulk from the world’s top pro­duc­ers directly through the Marketplace por­tal.

When Curtis Cord, the NYIOOC founder and pres­i­dent, unveiled the Marketplace dur­ing a 2016 press con­fer­ence, he said: This orga­ni­za­tion has always aspired not only to iden­tify the world’s best olive oils, but to develop inno­v­a­tive ways to get them into the kitchens where they right­fully deserve to be.”

The Best Olive Oils Marketplace is one way olive oil pro­duc­ers who are com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing qual­ity prod­ucts can con­nect directly with those of us who seek their Liquid Gold.


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