`Apple and Date Turnovers - Olive Oil Times

Apple and Date Turnovers

These apple and date turnovers make an awesome breakfast treat. Make a batch this week and wake up to the perfect pairing for your morning coffee or tea.
Apple and Date Turnovers
Apple and Date Turnovers
By Paul Kostandin
Nov. 9, 2020 07:33 UTC

Apple sea­son is upon us and there is noth­ing bet­ter than head­ing out to a local orchard and com­ing home with a bushel of fresh, deli­cious apples. Sometimes, though, it can be hard to come up with new and unique ways to uti­lize your new­found bounty. There are only so many apple pies, and batches of apple sauce/apple but­ter you can make before you start to crave new and dif­fer­ent apple treats.

These apple and date turnovers def­i­nitely fit the bill. With a deli­cious pep­per­i­ness from the olive oil but­ter­scotch, and a deep, rus­tic sweet­ness from the dates, these turnovers make a per­fect break­fast treat with your morn­ing cof­fee or tea. I like to make a big batch at the begin­ning of the week and enjoy them for the next few days, if they last that long. These are a favorite around my house and they go fast!

Try dou­bling the recipe and freez­ing half of the turnovers instead of bak­ing them. You can bake them from frozen and they come out per­fectly, just allow another 5 – 10 min­utes to make sure the fill­ing is com­pletely heated!


Apple and Date Turnovers

Course: Breakfast, DessertCuisine: American, FrenchDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time



With a deli­cious pep­per­i­ness from the olive oil but­ter­scotch, and a deep, rus­tic sweet­ness from the dates, these apple turnovers make a per­fect break­fast treat with your morn­ing cof­fee or tea.


  • 4mediumapples, pealed, cored, quar­tered and sliced

  • 6 – 8dates, pits removed, and chopped

  • 1/2tsppie spice

  • 1/2cupextra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1cupgran­u­lated sugar

  • 1cupdark brown sugar

  • 1/4cuplemon juice

  • 2tspcorn­starch

  • 2tbspwater

  • 1pack­agepuff pas­try sheets (2 square sheets), thawed


  • To make the fill­ing
  • In a medium pot com­bine the olive oil, sugar, brown sugar, dates, pie spice and lemon juice.
  • Place the pot on the stove over medium heat and stir reg­u­larly.
  • Continue stir­ring con­stantly as the sugar heats and com­bines to form a light butterscotch/caramel sauce.
  • Add the apples to the mix­ture and con­tinue cook­ing until the apples are ten­der.
  • In a small bowl com­bine the corn­starch and water and mix into a slurry.
  • Pour the slurry into the pot and mix it into the apples.
  • Continue to cook the apple mix­ture as the corn­starch thick­ens the sauce.
  • Keep cook­ing the apple mix­ture for another minute or two, stir­ring con­stantly to pre­vent it form stick­ing or burn­ing.
  • Transfer the apple mix­ture to a heat safe con­tainer and place it in the refrig­er­a­tor to cool.
  • Allow the apple mix­ture to cool com­pletely before fill­ing the turnovers.
  • To make the turnovers
  • Preheat your oven to 350°F.
  • Unroll both pas­try sheets and cut them in half, cre­at­ing 4 rec­tan­gle pieces.
  • Place a gen­er­ous dol­lop of chilled fill­ing on each rec­tan­gle about 1/3 of the way up the sheet.
  • Fold the short side of the pas­try over the fill­ing and roll it for­ward over the remain­ing dough, cre­at­ing a pil­low shape with the fill­ing in the mid­dle and the seam fac­ing down­ward.
  • Pinch open the sides of the turnovers together with your fin­gers and then use a fork to crimp the edges firmly closed.
  • Cut a small X shape through the pas­try on the top of the turnovers expos­ing the fill­ing and allow­ing them room to expand as they cook.
  • Place the turnovers onto a parch­ment lined bak­ing sheet and place it in the pre­heated oven.
  • Bake the turnovers for 20 – 25 min­utes or until golden brown and deli­cious.
  • Remove the turnovers from the oven and trans­fer them to a rest­ing rack. Allow the turnovers time to cool before enjoy­ing, they will be extremely hot inside.

Discover more recipes with extra virgin olive oil.


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