`Replacing Some Carbs with Healthy Oils Can Slow Prostate Cancer - Olive Oil Times

Replacing Some Carbs with Healthy Oils Can Slow Prostate Cancer

By Elena Paravantes
Jun. 17, 2013 10:15 UTC


The con­sump­tion of olive oil has long been asso­ci­ated with reduced inci­dence of can­cer. Large obser­va­tional and epi­demi­o­log­i­cal stud­ies have showed that using olive oil instead of sat­u­rated fats, such as but­ter, is asso­ci­ated with lower odds of any type of can­cer, includ­ing prostate can­cer.

However a recent study revealed that replac­ing some car­bo­hy­drates with veg­etable fats, such as those found in olive oil, can actu­ally halt the pro­gres­sion of prostate can­cer after diag­no­sis.

The researchers fol­lowed 4,577 men diag­nosed with non-metasta­tic prostate can­cer, part of the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS). Started in 1986, the pur­pose of HPFS is to eval­u­ate a series of hypothe­ses about men’s health, relat­ing nutri­tional fac­tors to the inci­dence of seri­ous ill­nesses.

The results of their analy­sis, which were pub­lished in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine, showed that men who con­sumed more veg­etable fat after diag­no­sis had a lower risk of lethal prostate can­cer.

Replacing 10 per­cent of calo­ries from car­bo­hy­drates with veg­etable fats was asso­ci­ated with a 29 per­cent drop in the risk of lethal prostate can­cer. Erin Richman head of the study, said that the ben­e­fit was really when you were replac­ing refined car­bo­hy­drates with foods like olive oil and nuts.

While this study showed it is not nec­es­sary to cut down on fat with a can­cer diag­no­sis, it is impor­tant to choose the right type of fat. Olive oil pro­vides the good monoun­sat­u­rated fat but, as pre­vi­ous research has shown, it is also a source of antiox­i­dants, which many researchers believe are respon­si­ble for its pro­tec­tive effect.

Heart dis­ease was the lead­ing cause of death in this group of men with prostate can­cer, adding another rea­son to use good fats and adding fur­ther sup­port for a heart-healthy, Mediterranean-style diet for this pop­u­la­tion.


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