`Roasted Asparagus with Homemade Olive Oil Romesco and Eggs - Olive Oil Times

Roasted Asparagus with Homemade Olive Oil Romesco and Eggs

An impressive and, yet, still easy to make dish that can be served for breakfast, brunch or lunch. Tender roasted asparagus is topped with a savory homemade Romesco sauce, eggs and a little sprinkle of feta cheese.
Roasted Asparagus with Homemade Olive Oil Romesco and Eggs
Roasted Asparagus with Homemade Olive Oil Romesco and Eggs
By Patterson Watkins
Sep. 11, 2020 08:34 UTC

Romesco is a deli­cious sauce made by puree­ing roasted red pep­pers, toma­toes, almonds and olive oil…almost like a Spanish-style pesto. We opted for some sun-dried toma­toes, just to add in a lit­tle con­cen­trated tomato fla­vor as well as some sherry vine­gar and smoked paprika~deepening the deli­cious­ness. A mod­er­ately robust Spanish EVOO is ideal for this recipe, adding in a lit­tle pep­per and fruit to the over­all fla­vor of the dish. 


Roasted Asparagus with Homemade Olive Oil Romesco & Eggs

Course: Brunch, BreakfastCuisine: SpanishDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



We added in a cou­ple of short­cuts to this recipe to min­i­mize the over­all time spent cook­ing (and mak­ing it eas­ier to get from the stove to the plate in under 30 min­utes). Roasting the aspara­gus and the pep­pers together, let­ting you assem­ble and puree the Romesco sauce while the eggs are cook­ing. 


  • 1bunchaspara­gus, trimmed

  • 1each red bell pep­per, seeded and sliced

  • 4table­spoonsmedium-robust inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil (plus any addi­tional if needed to cook the eggs)

  • 1/2tea­spoonsalt

  • 1/4tea­spooncracked black pep­per

  • 1eachgar­lic clove, peeled and minced

  • 3 – 4eachpacked in oil sun-dried toma­toe halves

  • 1/8cupalmond sliv­ers

  • 1table­spoonsherry vine­gar

  • 1/2tea­spoonsmoked paprika

  • 4eacheggs

  • 1/4 cupfeta cheese crum­bles


  • Preheat oven to 425 – 450°F. Place aspara­gus and pep­pers on a bak­ing sheet, driz­zle with 1 table­spoons EVOO and sea­son with salt and pep­per. Roast for 8 – 10 min­utes or until ten­der and slightly charred. Remove from the oven and set aside.
  • Remove roasted pep­pers from the pan and place in a blender along with gar­lic, toma­toes, almonds, sherry vine­gar and paprika. Add remain­ing 3 table­spoons of EVOO and blend until smooth.
  • Heat a large non-stick skil­let over medium high heat and cook eggs to desired done­ness.
  • Divide aspara­gus and eggs between plates and top with sauce. Sprinkle with feta cheese before serv­ing. 

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