`P&G Patent Application Employs Olive Pits in Liquid Cleaners - Olive Oil Times

P&G Patent Application Employs Olive Pits in Liquid Cleaners

By Julie Butler
Sep. 10, 2013 13:14 UTC


Yet another use has been found for olive pits and this time it’s to pro­vide an appar­ently tough but safe abra­sive cleaner from Procter & Gamble.

The con­sumer prod­ucts giant is seek­ing an inter­na­tional patent for the liq­uid cleaner, which it says can be used for a vari­ety of mate­ri­als, includ­ing ceramic tiles, enamel, stain­less steel, glass, and Teflon.

The com­pany says in its patent appli­ca­tion, pub­lished last week by the World Intellectual Property Organization, that the sur­face safety” of most pop­u­lar liq­uid scour­ers is inad­e­quate.

It comes down to a choice between good clean­ing per­for­mance but fea­tur­ing strong sur­face dam­age or com­pro­mis­ing on the clean­ing per­for­mance while fea­tur­ing accept­able sur­face safety pro­file,” it says.

Due to the pres­ence of very hard abra­sive par­ti­cles, these com­po­si­tions can dam­age, i.e., scratch, the sur­faces onto which they have been applied.”

Alternatively, those with an ade­quate sur­face safety pro­file” show poor clean­ing per­for­mances.

And nat­ural mate­r­ial such as from wal­nut shells or apri­cot pits is of a dark color and results in an unaes­thetic muddy-like liq­uid com­po­si­tion.”

Olive pits pro­vide a solu­tion

But abra­sive clean­ing par­ti­cles formed by shear­ing and grind­ing olive pits are said to pro­vide a solu­tion.

Procter & Gamble says they are hard enough to pro­vide the clean­ing effect, how­ever, soft enough to pro­vide good sur­face safety pro­file.”

They also have the advan­tages of being biodegrad­able and, if har­vested when the olive fruit is unripe, of a light color.

Furthermore, while high lev­els of abra­sive par­ti­cles are usu­ally needed to reach good clean­ing per­for­mance — thus lead­ing to higher cost, more dif­fi­cult mak­ing rins­ing off, and a less pleas­ant hand feel — very low lev­els of the olive pit par­ti­cles are needed, it’s claimed.

Suitable olive pits can be extracted from fruits derived from Olea europaea tree species, prefer­ably from Olea europaea L. sub­specie europaea species,” the appli­ca­tion says.

Among other uses for olive pits are as a source of bio­fuel, in noise bar­ri­ers and even as pil­low fill­ing.


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