`Olive Oil Raspberry and Goat Cheese Galette - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Oil Raspberry and Goat Cheese Galette

This stunning raspberry galette is made possible with a homemade extra virgin olive oil based dough. The sweet-tart raspberries pair perfectly with the goat cheese base, all wrapped a in flaky golden-brown crust.
Olive Oil Raspberry and Goat Cheese Galette
By Patterson Watkins
Jul. 29, 2021 11:45 UTC

Galette is style of free form French pas­try that can either have a sweet or savory fill­ing. Typically, galette pas­try crust is made using a flour and but­ter mix­ture. For our recipe, the but­ter is sub­sti­tuted for a mildly robust extra vir­gin olive oil, with sim­i­lar flaky results. Fresh rasp­ber­ries are tossed in a sug­ary-lime mix­ture before top­ping the goat cheese.

The pas­try is baked until the berries has soft­ened, cheese is bub­bly, and the crust is a beau­ti­ful golden-brown. A light sprin­kle of fresh mint fin­ishes this show stop­ping galette. Best served as either and appe­tizer or as a dessert.


Olive Oil Raspberry and Goat Cheese Galette

Course: DessertCuisine: FrenchDifficulty: mod­er­ate


Prep time


Cooking time



The EVOO dough can be made ahead of time (a day or two) and kept refrig­er­ated until ready to use. You may need to knead the dough (if refrig­er­ated for longer than described in this recipe) or apply a lit­tle more flour. 


  • Olive Oil Dough
  • 2cupsall-pur­pose flour

  • 1 tea­spoonsalt

  • 2tea­spoonsgran­u­lated sugar

  • 1table­spooncider vine­gar

  • 1/2cup
    mild to mod­er­ate inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1/4cupcold water

  • Raspberry and Goat Cheese Filling
  • 2 tea­spoonscorn­starch

  • 2 tea­spoonslime zest

  • 1/3cupgran­u­lated sugar

  • 12ozfresh rasp­ber­ries

  • 1table­spoonlime juice

  • 1tea­spoonvanilla extract

  • 4ozgoat cheese, soft­ened to room tem­per­a­ture

  • 1eachegg, beaten with 1 tea­spoon of water

  • 2table­spoons fresh mint, whole leaves or chopped


  • Preheat oven to 350°F. In the bowl of a stand mixer fit­ted with the pad­dle attach­ment, place flour, salt, and sugar, stir to com­bine. Slowly add vine­gar, olive oil, and water to the flour, mix­ing on low speed, until a shaggy dough forms.
  • Remove the dough from the mixer and trans­fer to a lightly floured work sur­face. Knead the dough for 5 min­utes, adding more flour if needed if the dough is super sticky, or until smooth (the dough will resem­ble sugar cookie dough). Form the dough into a ball, cover, and refrig­er­ate for 30 min­utes. 
  • In a large bowl, place corn­starch, lime zest, sugar, rasp­ber­ries, lime juice, and vanilla, stir to com­bine. Set the bowl aside.
  • Once the dough has rested, remove from the refrig­er­a­tor, unwrap, and roll out into a large cir­cle on a lightly floured work sur­face, about 1/4 inch in thick­ness. Transfer the dough to a parch­ment lined bak­ing sheet.
  • Spread soft­ened goat cheese around the cen­ter of the dough, leav­ing about 2 inches of bor­der. Top the cheese, evenly, with the rasp­berry mix­ture.
  • Gently fold the edges of the crust up and slightly over the fill­ing, over­lap­ping each fold as you work around the cen­ter, leav­ing a large vis­i­ble win­dow’ in the cen­ter. Brush the exposed crust with egg wash and place in the oven.
  • Bake for 30 – 40 min­utes or until the crust is golden brown and fruit fill­ing is bub­bly. Remove from the oven and set aside to rest for 20 min­utes before slic­ing and serv­ing. Garnish with mint. 

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