olive oil research / page 34

Nov. 10, 2017

In Greece, a Challenge for Olive Sector Innovators

A contest for olive oil industry innovators in Greece will begin November 15.

Nov. 9, 2017

European Conference on Xylella Fastidiosa: Finding Answers to a Global Problem

An event at the University of the Balearic Islands will provide a platform for in-depth discussion on the results of research into X. fastidiosa and its vectors, in support of on-going efforts to control the European outbreaks.

Oct. 10, 2017

Researchers Show How Crushing Speed Affects Yield and Quality

Quality parameters were unaltered by crushing speed, but extraction efficiency and chlorophylls content increased with faster hammer mill rotor speed in a continuous industrial process.

Mar. 21, 2017

Ultrasound Can Improve EVOO Extraction

Researchers have developed an affordable extraction system using ultrasound that can improve quality and increase yield.

Mar. 1, 2017

Olive Oil Heads to Space on Bezos Rocket

Olive oil from Messinia will be carried into space, part of an experiment about how food reacts to zero gravity.

Jan. 24, 2017

A Cheap, Easy Way to Quantify Biophenols for the EU Health Claim

A group of researchers has shown how an easy method can be applied by small labs and producers to certify compliance with Europe's polyphenols health claim.

Jan. 16, 2017

Two Mediterranean Plants Might Help Fight Symptoms of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's

Prickly pear and brown seaweed improved the symptoms of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's in lab tests using brewer's yeast and fruit flies.

Dec. 19, 2016

How 1 Tbsp of Olive Oil Calms Half an Acre of Waves

A Harvard lecturer demonstrates how a mere tablespoon of olive oil can calm half an acre of waves.

Dec. 6, 2016

Scientists Use Forensic Techniques to Gauge Olive Oil Quality, Prevent Fraud

Scientists managed to quantify DNA present in olive oil with the help of breakthrough forensic techniques.

Nov. 28, 2016

Want to Restore Democracy? Grab a Fork

Research suggests a European diet precedes the advent of a middle class, and middle class means democracy.


Nov. 11, 2016

Researchers Identify New Markers to Detect Fraud in Refined Oils

A team of Italian researchers came upon a marker that could be useful to identify adulteration in refined olive oils.

Nov. 4, 2016

New Method for Identifying Olive Cultivars

The identification olive cultivars according to the appearance of leaves and fruit is expected to serve as the basis for a phone app and contributions to a new international olive tree database.

Sep. 12, 2016

Oleocanthal, a Polyphenol in Olive Oil, Positively Impacts Human Melanoma Cells

According to new research, oleocanthal may be a potent anticancer agent for aggressive melanoma skin cancers.

Sep. 6, 2016

Olive Oil Polyphenol Oleuropein Shows Promising Neuroprotective Effects in Cellular Model of Parkinson’s Disease

Recent study findings suggested that oleuropein possesses neuroprotective effects in an in vitro model of PD when administered preventively as a pre-treatment.

Aug. 25, 2016

Strategy to Contain Xylella Fastidiosa Organically Shows Promise

Researchers used organic substances to stimulate the plant's development of phytoalexins, which are barriers used in its internal war against the pathogen.

Aug. 15, 2016

Social Status, Fashion Drive Consumer Food Choices

As food has become a symbol of social status, it has allowed marketers to attract customers as what was merely functional is now also fashionable.

Aug. 10, 2016

American Trade Group Awarded Research Grant

The funding is part of a $36.5-million provision in the Farm Bill for research to support the country’s specialty crop farmers.

Jun. 30, 2016

Scientists Decode Olive Tree Genome

A team of scientists from Spain have published the complete genome of the olive tree for the first time.
