Study Suggests Olive Oil Helps Prevent Arterial Disease, Pomace Oil Might Worsen It

Olive oil consumption is associated with benefits for the prevention of peripheral arterial disease, while pomace oil could promote its development.
By Paolo DeAndreis
Oct. 20, 2020 09:42 UTC

New eviĀ­dence shows that daily conĀ­sumpĀ­tion of extra virĀ­gin olive oil offers someĀ­thing of a shield against periphĀ­eral arteĀ­rĀ­ial disĀ­ease (PAD).

A newly pubĀ­lished research on the subĀ­ject led by the Spanish University of JaĆ©n also hints at the posĀ­siĀ­bilĀ­ity that pomace oil could pave the way to PAD.

The research was conĀ­ducted by a cross-secĀ­tional analyĀ­sis carĀ­ried out in 4,330 parĀ­ticĀ­iĀ­pants in a wide trial involvĀ­ing volĀ­unĀ­teer recruitĀ­ment cenĀ­ters and obeĀ­sity supĀ­port groups throughĀ­out Spain and known as PREDIMED-Plus, conĀ­sidĀ­ered the largest Spanish trial on nutriĀ­tion.

According to the study pubĀ­lished by the magĀ­aĀ­zine Atherosclerosis, the goal of the sciĀ­enĀ­tists has been to underĀ­stand the assoĀ­ciĀ­aĀ­tion between the ankle-brachial index (ABI), conĀ­sidĀ­ered a PDA marker, and olive oil and olive pomace oil conĀ­sumpĀ­tion.

PREDIMED-Plus, a trial of lifestyle modĀ­iĀ­fiĀ­caĀ­tion in indiĀ­vidĀ­uĀ­als with overĀ­weight or obeĀ­sity harĀ­borĀ­ing the metaĀ­bolic synĀ­drome, has the ambiĀ­tion to docĀ­uĀ­ment the health benĀ­eĀ­fits of olive oil and the Mediterranean diet.

ā€œConsumption of any catĀ­eĀ­gory of olive oil and olive pomace oil was assessed through a valĀ­iĀ­dated food-freĀ­quency quesĀ­tionĀ­naire,ā€ explained the authors of the research introĀ­ducĀ­ing their results, and ā€‹ā€œmulĀ­tiĀ­variĀ­able linĀ­ear regresĀ­sion modĀ­els were fitĀ­ted to assess assoĀ­ciĀ­aĀ­tions between olive oil conĀ­sumpĀ­tion and ABI.ā€

ā€œAmong 4,330 parĀ­ticĀ­iĀ­pants,ā€ wrote the researchers, ā€‹ā€œthe highĀ­est quinĀ­tile of total olive oil conĀ­sumpĀ­tion (sum of all catĀ­eĀ­gories of olive oil and olive pomace oil) was assoĀ­ciĀ­ated with higher mean valĀ­ues of ABIā€. Still, logisĀ­tic modĀ­els comĀ­parĀ­ing the conĀ­sumpĀ­tion of the difĀ­ferĀ­ent olive oil types and olive pomace oil revealed an inverse assoĀ­ciĀ­aĀ­tion between virĀ­gin olive oils conĀ­sumpĀ­tion and the likeĀ­liĀ­hood of a low ABI, while conĀ­sumpĀ­tion of olive pomace oil was posĀ­iĀ­tively assoĀ­ciĀ­ated with a low ABI.

ā€œIn this way,ā€ the University note reads, ā€‹ā€œthe researchers conĀ­cluded that, in patients with high carĀ­dioĀ­vasĀ­cuĀ­lar risk, the conĀ­sumpĀ­tion of olive oil is assoĀ­ciĀ­ated with benĀ­eĀ­fits for the preĀ­venĀ­tion of periphĀ­eral arteĀ­rĀ­ial disĀ­ease, the oppoĀ­site of the conĀ­sumpĀ­tion of pomace olive oil, which could proĀ­mote its develĀ­opĀ­ment.ā€

Those findĀ­ings conĀ­firm the hypothĀ­eĀ­sis of preĀ­viĀ­ous studĀ­ies that hinted at a posĀ­siĀ­ble posĀ­iĀ­tive effect of the Mediterranean diet on PAD patients.

PAD is a proĀ­gresĀ­sive disĀ­ease that brings to the narĀ­rowĀ­ing of the arterĀ­ies with conĀ­seĀ­quent impact on the blood flow, espeĀ­cially on human limbs, but it can also impact on heart and brain.

A healthy diet is conĀ­sidĀ­ered essenĀ­tial to a sucĀ­cessĀ­ful recovĀ­ery from the conĀ­diĀ­tion which often folĀ­lows athĀ­erĀ­oĀ­scleĀ­roĀ­sis.


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