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New Class of Olive Oil Sommeliers Affirmed in London

Producers, importers, retailers and olive oil enthusiasts from around the world delved into production and sensory assessment in Central London.
By Daniel Dawson
Feb. 3, 2025 14:44 UTC

From Virginia to New South Wales, olive oil pro­fes­sion­als and enthu­si­asts gath­ered at the CIEE Global Institute in Central London for the sold-out Olive Oil Times Sommelier Certification course in late January.

Over five days, par­tic­i­pants exam­ined olive oil sen­sory analy­sis, farm­ing and pro­duc­tion best prac­tices, health ben­e­fits, nutri­tion, culi­nary appli­ca­tions and qual­ity assur­ance.

Leading the rig­or­ous pro­gram were renowned experts from six coun­tries. The group ana­lyzed over a hun­dred olive oil sam­ples from every pro­duc­ing region.

I now have a far more in-depth knowl­edge of extra vir­gin olive oil and the capac­ity to dis­cern a gen­uine qual­ity prod­uct.- Inigo Garel-Jones Garrigues, IGJG Ltd

Among the atten­dees was Chasity Pritchett from the United States-based retailer Emblem Olive Oil, which focuses on sell­ing domes­ti­cally-made extra vir­gin olive oil.


Chasity Pritchett (Photo: Andrew Mullan for Olive Oil Times)

This course taught me so much and gave me incred­i­ble insight into the pro­duc­tion process of olive oil,” she said. It opened my eyes to a whole new world of tastes and com­plex­i­ties from dif­fer­ent cul­ti­vars.”

Pritchett plans to use what she has learned in the course to facil­i­tate access to edu­ca­tional mate­r­ial and research for under­served com­mu­ni­ties, such as African Americans and Native Americans.

See Also:37 Complete Olive Oil Times Sommelier Program in New York

This mis­sion is deeply per­sonal, and the work con­tin­ues as I strive to edu­cate and raise aware­ness across the nation about the health ben­e­fits of olive oil,” she said. Being sur­rounded by peo­ple who were just as pas­sion­ate and enthu­si­as­tic about olive oil as I am was truly inspir­ing.”

Thelka Galazoudi, the founder of London-based Back2Roots, also left the Sommelier Certification Course feel­ing inspired.

Galazoudi, who imports and dis­trib­utes Greek organic extra vir­gin olive oils and other prod­ucts, plans to use what he learned in the course to edu­cate curi­ous con­sumers at his tast­ing events.

The olive oil som­me­lier course is a nat­ural pro­gres­sion in my jour­ney to deepen my knowl­edge and exper­tise,” she said. It brought me together with like-minded, pas­sion­ate indi­vid­u­als who share a deep love and respect for olive oil.”


Hedzer Roodenburg Vermaat and Thelka Galazoudi (Photo: Andrew Mullan for Olive Oil Times)

Stefano Chessa of Oliveto Imports joined the course to fur­ther his ini­tia­tive to mar­ket Mediterranean extra vir­gin olive oils in London.

I am work­ing on a project to improve the U.K. dis­tri­b­u­tion net­work for Domenico Manca,” he said. Their prod­ucts are avail­able through a spe­cial­ized dis­trib­u­tor to the hotel and restau­rant sec­tor, but there is a com­plete absence of their pres­ence in the spe­cial­ized retail mar­ket.”

Chessa said he thor­oughly enjoyed the course, cit­ing the refresh­ing” approach to how the course teaches about the world of extra vir­gin olive oil.


Even experienced producers found value in the course, which explored the latest innovations to complement their decades of experience working in the field. (Photo: Andrew Mullan)

All the instruc­tors were pleas­ant and pro­fes­sional but incred­i­bly knowl­edge­able,” he said. The event was excep­tion­ally well-orga­nized. I now feel much more con­fi­dent in my under­stand­ing of the extra vir­gin olive oil indus­try. I am cer­tain this will enhance my inter­ac­tions with cur­rent and future cus­tomers.”

Along with retail­ers and importers, olive oil pro­duc­ers attended the course to learn the lat­est indus­try trends and the wider olive oil sec­tor.

I know the prod­uct now,” said Jorge Miranda, who recently joined the award-win­ning Spanish pro­ducer Casas de Hualdo to man­age exports.


The pur­suit of qual­ity brought another Spanish olive oil pro­ducer, Inigo Garel-Jones Garrigues, to London. I am a pro­ducer look­ing to improve the qual­ity of the fruit and oils that I pro­duce and that of our coop­er­a­tive at large, he said.”

The course was a real eye-opener for me. Given that I had been exposed to one coun­try [Spain] and region, it gave me a broader view of the sec­tor and pro­duc­tion,” Garel-Jones Garrigues added. Most impor­tantly, of course, I now have a far more in-depth knowl­edge of extra vir­gin olive oil and the capac­ity to dis­cern a gen­uine qual­ity prod­uct.”


While professionals mainly attended the course, curious consumers also took part to expand their olive oil knowledge. (Photo: Andrew Mullan)

Even expe­ri­enced pro­duc­ers found value in the course, which pro­vided the lat­est sci­ence and inno­va­tions in farm­ing, har­vest­ing and milling to com­ple­ment their decades of expe­ri­ence work­ing in the field.

I’ve been liv­ing and mak­ing olive oil in Tuscany for 20 years,” said Elizabeth Ward-Booth. Many things per­tain­ing to olive oil pro­duc­tion have changed over these years. Now, mov­ing to a new area within Tuscany with a rep­u­ta­tion for excel­lent olive oil pro­duc­tion, I aim to use my expe­ri­ence and new knowl­edge to pro­duce the best qual­ity olive oil.”

Ward-Booth said the course deep­ened her under­stand­ing and appre­ci­a­tion of extra vir­gin olive oils out­side Italy.

I believe the wide knowl­edge gained regard­ing olive oil, par­tic­u­larly the impor­tance of atten­tion to detail in har­vest­ing, milling and stor­age, will be invalu­able in pro­duc­ing a fine qual­ity olive oil,” she said.

Along with the course’s con­tent, par­tic­i­pants also took the oppor­tu­nity to inter­act with the eclec­tic mix of instruc­tors and peers.


Along with retailers and importers, olive oil producers attended the course to learn the latest industry trends and the wider olive oil sector. (Photo: Andrew Mullan for Olive Oil Times)

The course also pro­vided net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, allow­ing me to con­nect with grow­ers and buy­ers from around the world,” said Hedzer Roodenburg Vermaat of the Olive Oil Club.

Roodenburg Vermaat cur­rently sources award-win­ning Tunisian olive oils with plans to extend his selec­tion to other coun­tries.

He said becom­ing a som­me­lier will help him bet­ter assess the qual­ity of the olive oils he imports and improve how he guides indi­vid­u­als and cor­po­rate clients in his olive oil mar­ket­ing events.

The course has been instru­men­tal in help­ing me achieve my goals by enhanc­ing my cred­i­bil­ity as an olive oil pro­fes­sional, sharp­en­ing my abil­ity to assess olive oils, and expand­ing my indus­try net­work — all of which will con­tribute to grow­ing the Olive Oil Club,” he added.

Shannon Hurd, who runs the U.S.-based Cesena Family Imports, found the course to be thor­ough and applic­a­ble. Speakers were knowl­edge­able and engag­ing, offer­ing insights and clar­i­fi­ca­tions on top­ics that were over­loaded with infor­ma­tion.”


Stefano Chessa of Oliveto Imports joined the course to further his initiative to market Mediterranean extra virgin olive oils in London. (Photo: Andrew Mullan)

I wanted to acquire knowl­edge to ensure that each bot­tle we select reflects our com­mit­ment to excel­lence and authen­tic­ity,” Hurd added. Knowledge gained as a som­me­lier enhances my abil­ity to edu­cate con­sumers of the ben­e­fits extra vir­gin olive oil offers.”

While pro­fes­sion­als mainly attended the course, curi­ous con­sumers also took part to expand their olive oil knowl­edge.

I have no con­nec­tion with the olive oil trade – just a pas­sion for great food and cook­ing and a desire to retire to Puglia,” said Andrew Waters.

I started the course know­ing of extra vir­gin olive oil but very lit­tle about it,” he added. The breadth of the course and the amount I learned was really impres­sive.”

Enrollment for the May Sommelier Certificate Program in New York City is already open.


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